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tv   The Truthseeker  RT  February 22, 2013 1:28am-2:00am EST

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abusing his power if you see a prison full of kids near you you better make sure that they're actually baby guilty of something but that's just my opinion. not directly me u.n. peace envoy for syria it's great to have you with our teacher dacer thank you very much i'm happy to be received so we're talking now in cairo where the national coalition for opposition forces in the syrian revolution is having its conference
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and he will be meeting its leader. do you believe that direct talks between him and the syrian president bashar al assad are possible not with president bashar al assad but with the government. it is necessary yes true. i think you know there are more and more people all accept that there is no military victory for any side and that you need a political solution and that political solution meets make concessions and negotiations i think can take place between deliberation to presenting the government. and the delegation representing the opposition so when you're saying here maybe talking to the government but not the president directly. the problem is only in one man in bashar al assad himself or rumors that the opposition is saying every five minutes but they don't want to talk about it this is the problem six
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months ago your prep predecessor coffee on resigned saying that there is no way they could be a peaceful resolution in syria no he didn't say it in has anything changed you still believe that a peaceful resolution serious possible i mean you know first of all coffee never said this words allusion is never possible he never said what he said there were was that you know he was counting on the international community to help him and the international community did not have so he said for the moment there is you know we are in front of a war he didn't say that he never said that there were there were never before those of us so unless you are saying that there must be a military solution. which a lot of people say. but kofi annan did not say that and i'm not saying
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what's your take this peaceful resolution still a great possibility it is. not a pause for the moment it is extremely difficult it's not that it's not happening but it is a must the syria either has a peaceful resolution or then war for i don't until the country is destroyed and if you don't want to be the country to be destroyed and i don't think you do then you will really call for this war resolution difficult as it may be. with the. the choice really is between destroying syria and having the peace was just something why do you think syrian uprising has such a strong terrorist element to it because if this is again. what is it that you call terrorist. very often
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a lot of people call terrorism what others call liberation movement and i think in syria we have something similar there are definitely acts of. horrible violence and acceptable violence that is done by both sides but to say that the struggle is between the government and terrorists is is a little bit pushing it too far short the u.n. commission believes. nostra al islam. effectively jihadist tera brigades are backed from abroad and they're operating in syria a lot of people are backed from abroad that doesn't necessarily make them terrorists the. is. is is considered a terrorist organization by a lot of people including by
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a lot of syrians but that doesn't mean that everybody is is a terrorist in syria what do you what do you make of saudis mission that they're actually supplying arms to a lot of there's a lot of praying arms on the record not saying yeah sure the russians are supplying arms to the government. there don't they don't deny that and we have over war. unfortunately we have a war a lot of syrians most syrians as a matter of fact both from the government and from the opposition. or with me because i call it civil war but it is a civil war you just at least you agree with me on something yes if you and i call it a civil war a civil war always out that support from outside and you have both you have two sides in this civil war and this is what level of says there are two sides to this position of the government and they should make us so let's make it very clear that
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there are organizations that are objectively objectively can be considered. there are organisations that are considered by the government as to what is as much of a who are not there in syria the main struggle is really between a large part of the people of syria who want change they want change in their country. and that is i think a legitimate aspiration they want dignity that's what they said they want dignity they want change they want democracy. this is the struggle there are foreigners they are a tiny minority maybe a few hundred maybe a couple of thousand but there is one hundred thousand at least of our own two people who are fighting against their government unfortunately so i mean don't try to to say that it is foreigners or fighting against the syrian government this is
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not the case so you feel like syrian people could go on believing in a secular country. even if our son goes i hope so that's all i'm asking that's not what you ask if you are asking about yes definitely and i think that a lot of people in syria and outside outside of syria very much want syria to continue to be a secular state why do you think it's has taken so long it's been to yourself i think that's a very good question that's the best question you have asked. it. you know you are have a very strong well organized regime. who are determined to stay in power they have the means they have the military means. to fight and doing so the opposition is in spite of all the weapons they. are not well organized they are
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mostly civilians who are taking up arms. and that is why you know they can keep the struggle going they cannot win a military victory but the government also cannot defeat them and this is seen these one thousand times that is why once again a political peaceful solution is what is necessary and good for the syrian people when i was in serious three months ago i saw it said that he actually will stay until two thousand and fourteen wait for the election and then see what happens i mean is this a realistic plan. you know one. would very much like the problem to be solved long before two thousand and fourteen if it were possible to be solved before two thousand and fourteen it's much better than where i think until two thousand and fourteen because we're talking about civil war and he's talking about elections. how does these two go together they don't you can't have
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election wide civil wars you need to stop the civil war and the civil war can be stopped. through the negotiations on the basis of the geneva agreement so if we have that resolution then we'll have an election what kind of an election depends on the results of the of the negotiations his future in his own hands at this point should it be in his own hands i'm talking about assad i don't want to talk about that let me ask you one more question about assad do you think the only problem is in assad and he not stepping down that is. lot of people who are opposed to or who are involved in this conflict in syria think that the president is a serious important part of the problem this is a fact and very pretty to every day do you believe that's the problem doesn't
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matter what i believe doesn't matter what you believe either you talk directly to the american government they believe that he's the problem do you think it's an oversimplistic approach or no i'm sure the realty of you americans and you ask them but do you speak with the syrian government and assad directly as you speak to the opposition and their leaders also you know we have an office in damascus and we're keeping very close connection and i saw president i said. to somebody so what messages are they sending to each other how have their behaviors towards each other changed in recent months i don't think it has changed enough to bring them to the negotiating table and this is what a lot of people including mr level of work and go. coalition the coalition seems to be under a great influence of many international players you have the arab gulf states you have the united states you have turkey you know tell me if i'm mistaken please
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because that's the question what is the question all i'm asking is that is it hard to go shade with a coalition that is influenced with different international forces everybody. in the world to the people who are connected to one another they are influenced by one another i deal with russia i deal with turkey i deal with united states because these are countries that. i think rightly or wrongly think that they have an interest they have a concern. they have fears about what is happening in syria. and i think that all can help the syrian people and me get to a sort of you fear do you fear there's a chance that an iraqi scenario could unfold in syria where sectarian violence
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spills over absolutely this is what needs to be avoided this is what you know you have already some. overtones of sectarianism that. you know becoming more and more visible in the in the in the struggle in syria and that is why the earlier the the a problem is sort of the better kuwaitis to take care of that at this point he said overtones are heard at this point who has to deal with that now i think both parties both parties have to be extremely careful to avoid and best face that i think they are aware of it but they need to talk to be a little bit more. more careful in the not to allow the situation to slip into a purely sectarian conflict mr brahimi thank you very much for this interview thank
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you. going. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture. little bit. older. i live on.
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the street. i wish i. could. come out front of me a little. new year's celebrations on the move without the traditional t.v. all face to food surprising meetings and new adventures stories of love and love lost all russians teach foreigners to celebrate them biggest holiday of the year
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from moscow st petersburg by train you there may be miracles. because no one. when you are. done for me. i was fired i must fight.
1:44 am
new year's celebrations on the move with the traditional t.v. face to food surprising meetings and new adventures stories of love and love lost our russians teach foreigners to celebrate them biggest holiday of the year for must go to st petersburg by train over new you may be miracles. more news today boylan says once again flared up. these are the images cold world has been seeing from the streets of canada. showing corporations are on the day.
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wealthy british style. time to. market why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's concert for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kinds a report on our.
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own i've done your bushel america's great pile status exposed as a great fruit coming up. america has the worst infant mortality the highest child poverty and the least freedom shocking new research. one kids in the states grow one love. and no more tax in the u.s. . we are the united states of america the greatest country on earth traditions that continue to transfer great things that mainstream media is feeding
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a great lawyer key indicators america is now one of the most privileged countries in including in football toilet seat hold. it's all beds per population and survival post middle age americas twenty eight from thirty fighting for low spots in the o.e.c.d. with mexico hungary and turkey that's an immoral question amongst the humane enemy and humane society to ask that question where is the profit here how is this going to affect our bottom line how are we going to make money off this sick person that's i mean this doesn't look good folks i mean it doesn't look good to the rest of the world and it won't look good to the anthropologists who dig us up hundreds of years from now they'll they'll wonder what were these people thinking. the us is the most dangerous place to live the most a choice of the drug abuse and violence in the west puts it did last as for generosity we have done more good on this earth in any other nation in history bill
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o'reilly claims america is the most generous nation on the planet infect america is the meanest the least asylum seekers taken the worst environmental damage home and abroad and the least foreign aid on free to the people who hate us hate us because of the freedoms that we have circled learned of the freeze nothing of the sort with officially the least press freedom more corruption the jewelry. lowest political participation lowest proportion of women in politics on the human rights world right one hundred sixty seven and bought for the world's most prisoners finally family to try to promote this institution of marriage try to promote the family and republicans especially top family like they invented it yet their policies in particular give america the lowest child benefits in the developed world the most horrific child poverty and one in two teens without moment that seeing married role models like bill o'reilly and six past lawsuits doesn't help. at least the u.s.
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of the biggest economy till now the first time ever most americans think trying to has already overtaken the mainland became the world's biggest trading nation last week america's losing hole for a million jobs to its every single year join his economy professor berry not someone else in regular black else in the u.s. fooling bridges roads book killing in storms other countries do with just four points is minimal spending on infrastructure a key reason in america's decline absolutely i mean i was in china of last fall and one of the things and that sort of shocked me about coming back to my home country is you look around at the infrastructure and so shabby and it you have we americans have come to expect that our infrastructure will be second right and it's not necessary and it has huge costs at times and again we seem to lack the political will to reverse it and china has shown anyone you asked earlier about things that
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have been surprising i think one of the other things that has been surprising about china's approach is that they have very successfully invested in infrastructure out ahead of demand and when they started to push up their answer structure investment in the late ninety's a lot of people and i got it including myself said you're investing too much to going to be wasteful and we were wrong they were right you know they built. the highways first. and now we've seen a new high speed rail and airports are pushing down costs of business and you're stimulating the growth of the economy behind the investments so how was it nashton another big surprise if you know benefits of long term states investment has big business convinced americans that all government is u.s. has gone much too far in a direction of the market fundamentalism we have lots of immediate problems that we
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. should address in that way. but just predicting. i don't see the political figure configuration in the u.s. is there yet let's talk to professor joseph ching the most teen pregnancies the least parents living together with all the folks of the thoughts of this program your reaction babbie olds. death to you konami well china might offer some lessons for the american people namely emphasis on family emphasis on education a very high propensity to say eve despite the. that as you say very much the traditional. you know western well. us is still number one in income inequality a shocking new report shows through the crisis the insanely rich have actually
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increased their fortunes at the expense of the ninety nine percent wealth gap's now at its highest since the great depression. economists of long warned america's system is a limited stage of history stage one has freely competitive markets but no police development stage to go criminal in one notorious example general motors joined the mafia to boy america's flourishing brill rhodes then led the role we're now in the last stage late to listen with banks and corporations turned on ordinary people with useless even home products to the shocking disparities between a tiny elite on the wrist boiling point but an astonishing study shows americans have had enough a stunning ninety two percent of the entire population say they want the swedish model of income equality over the moat so i did to us well most surprising of all the quest for parity runs
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a crew through all social lines democrats and republicans old and young psychologist dr roy and how do you make the ninety two percent roi it in the first comprehensive mid to study between money and happiness you found the chase to catch the make a rich is turning people deeply miserable united states this one you know by and large of the wealth this country does not. really ever very close to the one happiest yet it is it too has i don't know i read a suicide spending your money on you know bigger and faster cars bigger faster. computers larger houses more clothes that those things at your basic needs are satisfied play a very. a very small room and actually make some happier on its own i think the simple explanation is that the reason there's a small village between money happiness global happiness charles wrigley told by scandinavia demo norway sweden incomes tax to sixty percent with extremely generous
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benefits for all including fourteen months of paid maternity leave just five underprivileged countries in the world lists also liberia papua new guinea swaziland and the usa give mothers nothing at all. one american solution plans the exact opposite on the example of honduras south of mexico which is building quote the most economically free place on earth based on takes in free markets ideas the new city will charge no taxes on salary or learn hong kong is honduras develop a mike strong inspiration the city had african style poverty he says now is free market philosophy makes it the brute just place on a road block with plans to bring that to the states detroit's about to be america's biggest city to go bust but his project makes the island of oil between detroit and the canadian border a tax haven creating hundreds of thousands of new jobs residents strongly support
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the plan road could you break down the concept for us that there would be no cherrix in anything we want to encourage so we would not have tax and labor. and investment income or and all that you know nice buildings well urge them to work when doing urgent invest you know why choose detroit it's right. will have an emergency manager within the next few weeks probably by the end of march and that means it will be taken over by the states and then the emergency manager will then make a decision whether to declare bankruptcy in night change fifty detroit had about two million people and among cities of any size in the united states it was the richest city and capita basis of any city in the country now it is shrunk from two million to about seven hundred thousand people it is the clearest city among the major cities in the country so there is definitely a problem with him for
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a solution. what caused the loss of by the way sion and wells was the flight of capital outside of it well it's led the area and what we need to do is to bring major muscle capital back in the area tax paradise swedish model all the chinese way americas treatments of his people made fundamental change with the elite controlling politicians and media will let that happen is another matter see truth from flex this is the truth. us.
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